皇家鄉村俱樂部 The Royal Country Club

皇家球場位於苗栗明德水庫東北方的原始山林間,提供遠離市區的幽靜擊球氣氛。球場設計者為鼎鼎大名的小羅勃崔特瓊斯 ( Robert Trent Jones Jr. ),球道距離並不長但頗具難度,高低起伏的球道蜿蜒在山林之間,設計巧妙的水池、沙坑與原始闊葉林則隨伺在旁,對於球友來說,在此擊球將會是一場迷人的挑戰。

The Royal Country Club

Located on the mountain northeast of Mingde Reservoir and far away from any urban area, this course provides a quiet environment for golfing. The course was designed by Robert T Jones. Jr., the fairways are not long, but the undulating terrain and various hazards make this a challenging course.


全國花園高爾夫俱樂部 National Garden Golf Course


National Garden Golf Course

Located near Huoyan Mountain in Miaoli County, this course is famous for its speedy greens. The fairway is broad and open with a great view, and players have fine views of the Taiwan Straits. Furthermore, there are 10 large-scale bronze masterpieces by Yuyu Yang, an internationally famous sculptor, decorating the course, yielding a perfect combination of art and nature.


豐原高爾夫俱樂部 Feng Yuan Country club


Feng Yuan Country club

Founded in 1962, this is the oldest golf course in Central Taiwan. The course is situated at an elevation of about 400 meters on the Gonglaoping Tableland, with beautiful scenery all around and fairways that follow along the natural terrain. The undulating course presents many challenges to the player.


清泉崗高爾夫球場 Ching chuan Kang Golf Course



台中高爾夫球場 Taichung Golf & Country Club

台中 ( 興農 ) 球場是由台中在地企業興農集團總裁楊天發投資興建,並特地邀請日本名球場設計師渡邊弘規劃設計,球場座落於台中市郊大肚山畔的坡地上,緊鄰台中科學園區,視野廣闊景色優美,加上難度適中的球道設計、四季如春的氣候,使得台中球場一直是中部首屈一指的熱門球場。

Taichung Golf & Country Club

Located on the slopes of Dadu Mountain in northern Taichung City, this course was designed by Watanabe Hiroshi, a famous designer from Japan. The 27 holes are built along the natural contours of the landscape. Being conveniently located, with beautiful scenery and moderate fairways, it has become one of the most popular golf courses in Taichung.


太平高爾夫俱樂部 Tai Ping Golf &Country Club



霧峰高爾夫俱樂部 Wu Fong Golf Course


Wu Fong Golf Course

Located in the mountains to the east of Taichung city, this course boasts gorgeous views of both the Central Mountain Range and Taichung City. Located in the forest, the course is far away from the crowd. With narrow, undulating fairways and sloping greens, players can have lots of fun putting.


台中國際高爾夫俱樂部 Taichung International Country Club


Taichung International Country Club

This 27-hole course is conveniently located near the Dakeng area, only 20 minutes from the urban center, so golfers can enjoy a quiet afternoon's golfing after lunch. With lush woods on the sides of the fairways, the course is moderately challenging.


彰化高爾夫俱樂部 Chang Hwa Golf Club



台豐高爾夫俱樂部 Tai Fong Golf Club


Tai Fong Golf Club

Tai Hong Golf Club has a course with 18 challenging fairways designed along the natural terrain. The greens are speedy and varied, and the level of challenge is quite high. Several international golf tournaments have been held here, and the course has a competitive feel to it.


中華民國公教人員高爾夫研習會 ROC Civil Servants and teachers Golf Club



南投 ( 松柏嶺 ) 高爾夫俱樂部 Nan-Tou Golf & Country Club



南峰高爾夫俱樂部 Nan Fong Golf Club

座落於南投市郊坡地上的南峰球場,不僅可眺望田園與山林美景,更以優異的球場狀況與具挑戰性的球道設計著稱。由傳奇名將李屈維諾 ( Lee Trevino ) 設計的18洞球道,如梯田般順著地勢層層延伸,變化豐富也考驗球友的智慧。在配上落成的美麗會館,儼然成為中部球場的首選。

Nan Fong Golf Club

Located in Nantou City, this course offers great views of the surrounding countryside and its forests. The fairways were designed by Lee Trevino, the legendary Mexican golf star. With a gorgeous club house and well-maintained fairways, this is one of the best golf courses in Central Taiwan.